Abanista Associates


Welcome to the largest affiliate marketing program in Africa. The Abanista Associates Program helps individuals, business owners, influencers, bloggers, content creators, website owners, social media managers, and online marketers monetize their traffic. With an extensive array of products and programs available on Abanista, associates leverage intuitive link-building tools to direct their audience to recommended items, earning from qualifying purchases and programs seamlessly. Join us and tap into a dynamic platform where your influence translates directly into rewards.

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Join tens of thousands of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with the Abanista Associates Program.


Share thousands of products with your audience. We have customized linking tools for large publishers, individual bloggers and social media influencers.


Earn up to 5% in associate commissions from qualifying purchases and programs. Our competitive conversion rates help maximize earnings.

How it works

  1. Joining the Program:
    • Prospective associates apply to join the Abanista Associates Program through an online application on the Abanista website.
  2. Approval and Access:
    • Upon approval, associates receive access to their personalized dashboard in the Abanista Associates portal. Here, they find promotional materials, unique affiliate links, and multiple coupon codes if applicable.
  3. Coupon Code Assignment:
    • Associates may be assigned multiple unique coupon codes upon joining the program. Each code is exclusive to them and used by their audience to receive discounts on qualifying purchases.
  4. Selecting Products and Campaigns:
    • Associates browse and select products or promotional campaigns available on Abanista that resonate with their audience.
  5. Promotion and Link Generation:
    • Using tools in their dashboard, associates generate affiliate links for selected products or campaigns. They integrate these links into their content (e.g., blogs, social media, emails) to drive traffic to Abanista.
  6. Coupon Code Promotion:
    • Associates promote their unique coupon codes alongside affiliate links. Users who apply these codes at checkout on Abanista receive discounts on their purchases.
  7. Driving Traffic and Sales:
    • Associates actively promote products, campaigns, and their coupon codes across various channels to their audience. Each time a user makes a purchase using their affiliate link and coupon code, the associate earns a commission.
  8. Tracking and Reporting:
    • The associates’ dashboard provides real-time tracking of clicks, sales, commissions earned, and coupon code usage for each assigned code. This data helps associates optimize their promotional strategies.
  9. Earning Commissions and Discounts:
    • Associates earn commissions on qualifying purchases made through their affiliate links and assigned coupon codes. Simultaneously, users receive discounts based on the coupon codes applied during checkout on Abanista.
  10. Daily Commission Payments:
    • Commissions earned through the program are paid daily to associates, ensuring rapid compensation for their referrals and sales.
  11. Support and Growth Opportunities:
    • Abanista supports associates with promotional materials, tips for maximizing earnings, and technical assistance related to affiliate links and multiple coupon codes. Associates can expand their earnings by growing their audience and optimizing their promotional efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Associates Program work?

You can share products and available programs on Abanista with your audience through customized linking tools and earn money on qualifying purchases and customer actions like signing up for the Abanista Care Program.

How do I qualify for this program?

Abanista associates is open to everyone including influencers with an established social media following. Bloggers, publishers and content creators with a qualifying website or mobile app can also participate in this program.

How do I earn in this program?

You earn from qualifying purchases and programs through the traffic you drive to Abanista. Commission income for qualifying purchases and programs differ based on product category. You earn money from purchases made using your associate coupons and links. Abanista associates also help their traffic to earn discounts on thousands of genuine products available on Abanista.com

How do I sign up to the program?

Sign up to the program here. We will review your application and approve it if you meet the qualifying criteria.

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